What is Dollar Tree's stock ticker symbol?

Dollar Tree's stock ticker symbol is "DLTR".

Where can I access past Family Dollar financial records?

Past Family Dollar financial records and company filings (prior to July 6, 2015) can be found online at the SEC website.

Where is Dollar Tree's stock traded?

Dollar Tree's common stock has been traded on the NASDAQ Stock Market, under the symbol "DLTR", since our initial public offering on March 6, 1995.

When was Dollar Tree's IPO?

Dollar Tree's initial public offering was March 6, 1995.

Where is Dollar Tree incorporated?

Dollar Tree is incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

When does Dollar Tree's fiscal year-end?

Dollar Tree follows the 52/53 Week Retail Calendar.

Where is Dollar Tree's corporate headquarters?

Dollar Tree's corporate headquarters is located at: 500 Volvo Parkway, Chesapeake, Virginia 23320.

Who is Dollar Tree's transfer agent and how do I contact them?

Internet Inquiries:

Investor Centreā„¢ website at http://www.computershare.com/investor

Telephone Inquiries:

800-622-6757 (US, Canada, Peurto Rico)
781-575-4735 (non-US)

Written Requests:

P.O. Box 505000
Louisville, KY 40233-5000

By overnight delivery:
462 South 4th Street, Suite 1600
Louisville, KY 40202

Who is Dollar Tree's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm?

Dollar Tree's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm is KPMG LLP.

Does Dollar Tree offer a direct stock purchase plan?

Dollar Tree does not offer a direct stock purchase plan at this time.

Does Dollar Tree pay a dividend?

Dollar Tree does not pay a dividend at this time.

Has Dollar Tree's stock ever split?

Dollar Tree's common stock split 3-for-2 on April 19, 1996, July 22, 1997, June 29, 1998, June 19, 2000, and June 25, 2010, and split 2-for-1 on June 26, 2012.

Does Dollar Tree offer franchising opportunities?

We do not offer franchising opportunities.
All of our stores are operated from our Corporate Headquarters in Chesapeake, VA.