Contact the Board

You may contact any member of our Board, any Board committee, or any chair of any such committee to provide comment, report concerns, or to ask a question. Correspondence may be addressed to any individual director, the non-management directors as a group, any Board committee, or any committee chair by either name or title.

All such mailings are to be sent in care of the Corporate Secretary to the address described below. The correspondence will be examined by the Corporate Secretary from the standpoint of security and for the purpose of determining whether the contents actually represent messages from shareholders to our directors. Depending upon the facts and circumstances outlined in the correspondence, the Corporate Secretary will forward the communication to the Board, or any Director or Directors, as appropriate.

Corporate Secretary
Dollar Tree, Inc.
500 Volvo Parkway
Chesapeake, VA 23320
United States

To communicate with our directors electronically, emails may be sent to

Dollar Tree, Inc.’s Board of Directors WILL NOT respond to items unrelated to the duties and responsibilities of the board, including:

  • Product complaints
  • Product inquiries
  • New product suggestions
  • Resumes and other forms of job inquiries
  • Surveys
  • Business solicitations or advertisements

If your question or comment pertains to any of the items listed above, please visit our Customer Help Center to submit your inquiry and it will be forwarded to the appropriate department.

Contacting the Audit Committee

In addition, any person who desires to communicate financial reporting or accounting matters specifically to our Audit Committee should send the correspondence to the Chairman of the Audit Committee at our corporate headquarters address, noted above, or electronically to Your correspondence may be submitted to the Audit Committee Chair anonymously. All correspondence will be examined by the Corporate Secretary and/or Internal Audit from the standpoint of security and depending upon the facts and circumstances outlined in the correspondence, the communications will be forwarded to our Audit Committee or Audit Committee Chair for review and follow-up action as deemed appropriate.